For primary school children
From 8 to 11 years old

Find the guidebooks for the hydropower sites of Génissiat and Bollène. To deepen your knowledge of the world of energy, explore our platform of pedagogical resources “At the source”, as well as the site “I’m learning about energy”, the pedagogic platform of the ENGIE Group.
We have launched our platform of pedagogical resources At the Source because we want to make younger generations aware of the challenges of renewable energies. Dealing with themes like the life of the River Rhone, biodiversity, renewable energies and ecological transition, At the Source is an entertaining learning site for both children and adults. Using different formats (videos, podcasts, computer graphics, posters, booklets, games, etc), the site allows teachers and parents to explain in a simple and amusing way the different challenges of the River Rhone.
Discover our Hydropower, Solar power and Wind power facilities in France